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Kids in Art Class

Updates & Resources

Association of Educational Therapists

May 10, 2017

The Association of Educational Therapists is the organization that certifies and provides resources for educational therapists and their clients.  They have a website full of information including a comprehensive list of educational therapists and allied professionals.  Take a look by visiting:

Go to the site to learn more about what ed therapists do, or to seek contact information for ed therapists and other professionals.

ADDitude Magazine

May 10, 2017

ADDitude Magazine is a great resource for parents of children with ADHD/ADD.  This great publication offers informative, pragmatic articles, and a supportive community for families navigating the complexities of attentional difficulties. Check it out here:

Individuals With Disabilities Act Information

May 10, 2017

This government website is a great resource for families and education professionals navigating the process of securing appropriate services for a child.  According to the site: "IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities." Click this link to read an informative article from Understood Magazine about how IDEA informs the process of securing appropriate services for children who have specific learning needs:

Get in Touch
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